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There are generally 2 types of resources in Kubernetes: namespaced and cluster-scoped resources.
You can discover the available resources (for the installed version in your cluster) by running
kubectl api-resources --api-group=scylla.scylladb.com
and explore their schema using
kubectl explain --api-version='scylla.scylladb.com/v1alpha1' NodeConfig.spec
Namespaced resourcesCopy
ScyllaCluster defines a ScyllaDB datacenter and manages the racks within.
ScyllaDBMonitoring defines and manages a ScyllaDB monitoring stack.
Cluster scoped resourcesCopy
Cluster scoped resources declare the state for the whole cluster or control something at the cluster level which isn’t multitenant. Therefore, working with these resources requires elevated privileges.
Generally, there can be multiple instances of these resources but for some of them, like for ScyllaOperatorConfigs, it only makes sense to have one instance. We call them singletons and the single instance is named cluster
NodeConfig manages setup and tuning for a set of Kubernetes nodes.
ScyllaOperatorConfig configures the Scylla Operator deployment and reports the status.