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Scylla Operator has a basic integration with ScyllaDB Manager. At this point there is one global ScyllaDBManager instance that manages all ScyllaClusters and a corresponding controller that automatically configures the ScyllaDB Manager to monitor the ScyllaDB instances and sync repair and backup tasks based on ScyllaCluster definition. Unfortunately, the rest of the functionality is not yet implemented in ScyllaCluster APIs and e.g. a restore of a cluster from a backup needs to be performed by executing into the shared ScyllaDB Manager deployment and using sctool
directly by an administrator.
Because ScyllaDB Manager instance is shared by all users and their ScyllaClusters, only administrators should have privileges to access the scylla-manager
ScyllaDB Manager uses a small ScyllaCluster instance internally and thus depends on the Scylla Operator deployment and the CRD it provides.
ScyllaDB Manager is available for ScyllaDB Enterprise customers and ScyllaDB Open Source users. With ScyllaDB Open Source, ScyllaDB Manager is limited to 5 nodes. See the ScyllaDB Manager Proprietary Software License Agreement for details.
For the operations that are not yet supported on ScyllaClusters, you can access the ScyllaDB Manager manually.
To find the ScyllaDB Manager ID for your cluster, run:
kubectl get scyllacluster/basic --template='{{ .status.managerId }}'
Note that some of the operations use ScyllaDB Manager Agent that runs within the ScyllaCluster that has to have access e.g. to buckets being used.
Backup and repair tasks are configured for each ScyllaCluster in its resource definition.
You can find more detail on how to perform the manual restore procedure in this dedicated page.
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